What is sensory integration therapy?

Laatzen, Korperkoordination, Korperwahrnehmung, Konzentration, Schulvorbereitung

"Sensory integration is the process of ordering and processing sensual impressions so that the brain can produce a useful body reaction and equally meaningful perceptions, emotional reactions and thoughts. The sensory integration sorts, orders and unites all sensual impressions of the individual into a complete and comprehensive brain function." (Source: Jean Ayres, building blocks of child development )

For your child this means that we carry out movement games that are fun. The aim is that a rather restless child can, for example, keep his balance, handle objects carefully and come to rest. Children who are rather anxious, e.g. get the courage to climb, can swing or become more active.


Last update on 18. February 2019 by Admin.

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